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Families are fundamental to God’s plan

God made it very clear that families are important when he created Adam and Eve.

The Holy Bible calls them “man and . . . wife” (Genesis 2:25).

What is the purpose of a family?

Families are fundamental to God’s plan,

Families are a divine part of God's plan, they are the fundamental foundation of strong societies.

Families are where we can feel love, learn how to love ourselves and others. Life is hard and we need people we can trust.

Home is a safe haven where we can receive advice, support, hugs and, when necessary, a cupcake with coffee...

“For they are transplanted into the house of the Lord. They flourish in the courts of our God. 14. Even in old age, they will still produce fruit and remain full of life and green.”

Psalms 92:13-14

Spreading love

Here you can live in a healthy and balanced way in your relationships with God, with yourself and with others. It covers couples,  helping you establish a solid connection between God, husband and wife. By holding meetings and events, we promote the strengthening of the family in its multiple realities: spiritually, as parents, as children, in personal intimacy of understanding and for couples, as loyal partners for life.

Christian awareness

God loves you very much.

Think about the love of parents for their children.

They love that child no matter what, even when he makes mistakes.

This love is just a glimpse of the love our Heavenly Father has for us.

“And whatever things you ask for in prayer, believing, you will receive.”

Matthew 21:22

Cortando Bolo

Soon Photos & Videos 

Kids Day Event



Pastor Jefferson, Pastor Luciane, Pastor Leila & Pastor Adriana.

Do you want to serve in the Family Ministry?

Talk to the Lead Pastors of this Ministry!

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