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“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6


Each service is an opportunity for learning and spiritual growth for them, as well as for us.

This Ministry's main aim is to present the message of salvation to children of all ages and give them the opportunity to make the most important decision of their lives: confessing Jesus Christ as their only Savior.

Our desire is for MFP children to know God, be filled with his love, and led into a personal, mature relationship with Jesus.

We foster an inviting, safe and nurturing environment as we partner with families. We have an exclusive space for him to worship God together with other children, air-conditioned rooms, comfortable furniture and materials that promote learning the Word of God in a safe and creative way. In an authentic community, we plant the Word of God in the hearts of children and teach them to live every day for Jesus.

Our Teachers:


The Teaching Ministry and the KIDS Ministry together, celebrate the birthdays of those who attend our Sunday school, Kindergarten, Juniors and Christian Generation studies.

Teaching for all children takes place on Wednesdays and Sundays at the same times as the temple services, at 7pm on Wednesdays and from 9am-11am on Sundays.

Crianças adorando na igreja


Pastor Lucielen & Pastor Adriana

Do you want to serve the

Children's Ministry?

Talk to the Lead Pastors.

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