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Social Media

“Therefore, my beloved brothers, stand firm, and let nothing shake you.

Always be dedicated to the work of the Lord, for you know that, in the Lord, your work will not be useless.”

1 Corinthians 15:58

Câmera móvel

Nowadays people are driven by social media.

For this reason we need to conquer this space, we need to reverse the thought that talking about God is limited to the temple or the squares (things that nowadays are increasingly rare, and in many places are prohibited).

It is a very important responsibility, having to convey to the public what our church is, what it represents and what difference we can make in their lives, conveying through photos and videos the desire to, and why, serve here.

The Lord is perfect, dedicated and loving in everything he does and your home would be no different.

So yes, it requires commitment, dedication and communication.

Do you know the importance of Media and Filming in the church?

In addition to being a great enhancer of the ministry we carry out, the media today is a great tool that helps us bring the GOSPEL to many people! This department encompasses the entire “creative” part of the church, helping to promote and attract new people, engage members…


Ensuring effective communication is very important to the success of the ministry. Communicating is sharing something, that is: you will pass a message forward and make something common with those who receive this information.

When we talk about church communication, quality is better than quantity.


The reach that the CHURCH can obtain through social media is incredible, to the point of leading people in other states or even countries to get to know GOD through shared photos and videos.

THE BENEFITS of social media for the Christian life:

Learning and growth:

Social media can be a source of information and learning about faith. They can provide access to articles, videos, podcasts, and other resources that can help people grow in their faith.

Connection with other Christians:

Social media can help people connect with other Christians around the world. This can be a source of support, encouragement, and spiritual growth.

Serve others:

Social media can be used to connect people with opportunities to serve others. They can be used to organize charity events, raise funds for important causes and promote social change.

THE INFLUENCE of social media on Christian life:

Social media can be a powerful tool for Christian living. However, it is important to use them intentionally and consciously to avoid the challenges and enjoy the benefits. They present significant opportunities and challenges for Christians in the digital age. It is essential to seek a healthy balance between the digital world and spiritual life.

By using social media positively, you can connect with other Christians and build relationships, learn, grow in faith, serve others, and make a difference in the world.

So by cultivating discernment, setting healthy boundaries, and focusing on building each other up, Christians can navigate social media in ways that strengthen their faith and testimony while contributing positively to the online environment.

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Presbyter Andressa


Pastor Marcieli

Do you want to serve the 
Ministry of Social Media?
Talk to the Leaders of this Ministry!

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