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Pessoa com mão levantada ao altar da igreja onde tem o pastor ministrando louvor.

Becoming a MEMBER

at MFP

Joining a church can be meaningless.

Some people join a church because everyone else does.

Why become a member?

There are countless reasons, here are some to help you:


Being a member of MFP is an act of commitment. The apostle Paul said it meant becoming a vital organ of a living body. It identifies you as a genuine believer.

“…so also in Christ we, who are many, form one body, and each member is linked to all the others.”

Romans 12:5


As MFP grows, our seats will be filled with people at all stages of growth - unbelievers, non-believers, new believers, and mature believers.
You and other members share a common bond - a commitment to Christ that others in the congregation may not have.

Because the association identifies like-minded believers, it provides a spiritual family to walk with and encourage you.

“Brethren, if anyone is overtaken in any sin, you who are spiritual must restore him with gentleness. But take care, each one, lest he be tempted either. Bear one another’s heavy burdens and thus fulfill the law of Christ.”

Galatians 6:1-2


“And let us consider one another to encourage us to love and good works.

Let us not give up meeting together as a church, as some people are accustomed to do, but let us encourage one another, even more so as you see the Day approaching.”

2 Hebrews 10:24-25


You have a place to discover and use your spiritual gifts in ministry.


“Now the gifts are diverse, but the Spirit is the same. And there is also diversity in the services, but the Lord is the same. And there is diversity in achievements, but the same God works everything in everyone.”

1 Corinthians 12:4-27


Becoming a church member is a very important step in your journey with the local Church!

If you are interested in becoming a member of MFP Ministério Força na Palavra or learning more about what membership is and its importance, plan a conversation with our lead pastors.


This meeting does not oblige you to be a member, but it does allow you to learn more about becoming a member, existing members, doctrine, church beliefs, and our vision.


Every time we welcome a new member into our church, we feel enormous joy, as we identify an opportunity to move even further with the proclamation of the Gospel in different areas.



Being baptized as a follower of Jesus is a step of faith that we are happy to celebrate as a community!

If you would like to be baptized at our church or would like to learn more about baptism in general, join us for our baptism class!


Talk to our team to schedule this meeting or contact us via email:

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